I was debating whether to make this blog post because it’s so damn simple to implement, but hey, if it saves someone else time, I did some good.
First of all, register an ILazyComponentLoader into Windsor:
var c = new WindsorContainer();
Then, the implementation of LazyComponentAutoMocker is simply this:
public class LazyComponentAutoMocker : ILazyComponentLoader
public IRegistration Load(string key, Type service, IDictionary arguments)
return Component.For(service).Instance(Substitute.For(new[] { service }, null));
And you’re done! Here’s a simple unit test example using only the code from above:
public void IDictionary_Add_Invoked()
var dict = c.Resolve<IDictionary>();
dict.Add(1, 1);
dict.Received().Add(1, 1);
That was almost too easy.
For what it's worth, I found this helpful. I'm new to Castle Windsor as well as NSubstitute. This post was able to get me going a lot quicker than sifting through documentation. Thanks.