Migrating from Jekyll/Octopress to Hugo

Migrating my blog from Octopress to Hugo has been on my TODO list for a very long time. In fact, the only reason holding me back was lack of pagination support, but that has been implemented for a while now, so I finally got around to migrating my blog over.

Getting started

Since this is an entirely new generator, it made sense to start from scratch. So I created an empty site, copied all the markdown files over, and voila, new blog! But of course, it wasn’t all smooth sailing, and I needed to resolve some issues.


First problem was all the permalinks that Octopress generated did not match the default value for Hugo. This was easily resolved with a [permalinks] section in the config.toml.

Title != title

This was most troubling, and resulted in a lot of manual labor to fix. The problem was that Octopress (or Jekyll), would generate a URL from the title, but would omit things like “the”, or “a”. For example, the very first post of my blog is titled The Importance of Color Schemes, but the URL is actually /importance-of-color-schemes.

Luckily, you can define a slug parameter in the front matter which can override this. Suffice to say, I had to do this for a lot of posts.

In most migrations you don’t have to worry about keeping the same URLs, but in my case I needed them to be the same because that’s how Disqus tracks discussions, and I wanted all the existing conversations to remain intact.

Code fences

Jekyll supports doing syntax highlighting with code fences, e.g.:

``` javascript
alert('Hello World'!);

Support for this can be done via Pygments, with is off by default. If you add pygmentscodefences = true to your config.toml then these sections will be parsed correctly. You’ll also want to use pygmentsuseclasses = true so that you can style it appropriately.

Markdown references

This last one was a bit of an annoyance because I needed to download the source of Hugo and make code modifications. Specifically, this pull request was needed.

Long story short, if you use references for links, instead of inline, then summaries will not work.

And the rest

Once all the heavily lifting was done, now it was a matter of picking a theme and modifying it to my liking. I ended up using herring cove. I really liked how Hugo separates the content from the theme, making it relatively easy to switch back and forth.

And the benefits?

Holy crap this is too fast!

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