Auto Mocking NSubstitute with Castle Windsor

I was debating whether to make this blog post because it’s so damn simple to implement, but hey, if it saves someone else time, I did some good. First of all, register an ILazyComponentLoader into Windsor: var c = new WindsorContainer(); c.Register(Component.For<LazyComponentAutoMocker>()); Then, the implementation of LazyComponentAutoMocker is simply this: public class LazyComponentAutoMocker : ILazyComponentLoader { public IRegistration Load(string key, Type service, IDictionary arguments) { return Component.For(service).Instance(Substitute.For(new[] { service }, null)); } } And you’re done! Read on...
Working in Git to Working in Mercurial

I took the dive a couple weeks ago and learned how to use Git and fell in love with its simplicity.  I don’t know what it is, but after using Git every day it actually started to make sense that git checkout is used for so many things, which is ironic because prior to using Git, every introductory tutorial I’ve read has always had me thinking, “checkout does what and what and what now??”. Read on...
CQRS: Building a “Transactional” Event Store with MongoDB

As you all already know if you’re familiar with MongoDB, is that it does not support transactions.  The closest thing we have is atomic modifications of a single document. The Event Store in a CQRS architecture has the important responsibility of detecting concurrency violations, where two different sources try to update the same version of the aggregate.  The one that gets it late should be denied changes into the store with an exception thrown.  This ensures the integrity of the data. Read on...
CQRS: Auto register event handlers

I’m not going to go into detail about what the deal is about event handlers in a CQRS architecture, since a quick Google/Bing search will give plenty of very good information.  What this post is about is a solution to the “how do I quickly register something to handle a bunch of events” without copying pasting all over the place. There are other solutions out there, like this one.  Here’s something I came up with (took some concepts from my post on Weak Events). Read on...
That Immutable Thing

Do you have some sort of ImmutableAttribute in your domain that you use to mark classes as immutable?  Have you ever needed to enforce that contract?  Checking for readonly fields isn’t enough?  Well, this weekend I had a code spike that helped solve this problem in my current project. For this project, I’m using the NoRM driver for MongoDB, and one of the limitations of the serializer is that all types must be classes, must have a default constructor, and all properties have a public setter.  So, now the domain has a bunch of classes like this: public class UserCreatedEvent : IEvent { public string Name { get; set; } public UserCreatedEvent() { } public UserCreatedEvent(string name) { Name = name; } } That God for code snippets (or Resharper templates).  With so many classes like this that need to get serialized, I wanted to extra sure that no code ever calls the setter method for the Name property.  Thankfully, with some help of Mono.Cecil, it’s possible. Read on...