Who woulda thought, IList<> kills WCF

It can’t be that hard!!! I keep telling myself this. I’m writing a WCF application right now and I’ve been running into loads of problems trying to configure things. ABC right? Set my address, contract, and binding….how hard can it be?? Why is a horrible ExecutionEngineException being thrown and taking down IIS with it??? http://connect.microsoft.com/wcf/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=433569 Turns out you can’t have an IList<> of DataContracts.
Assimilated by ALT.NET

It feels good to be revitalized again! A couple months back I was very unhappy. I was at a job I didn’t particularly like. The team I worked with was very rigid and used waterfall practices (even though it was a small 5 man team), and they were very resistant to change (I struggled to move them off SourceSafe, and failed). It was time to job ship and try something else, but then the market crash hit and suddenly having money to put food on the table became a priority. Read on...
Best tool for the job...

So I recently moved, and my new place doesn’t make internet by wire all that accessible…so now I have a big honkin desktop computer with no internet, but I have a little netbook which has wireless. Hmmmm…my netbook’s main operating system is Archlinux…and Linux is strong in networking…so it should be easy to set it up right? Right I was! # give my ethernet an IP address and start it $ ifconfig eth1 netmask $ ifconfig eth1 up # enable packet forwarding and reboot (or modify /proc) $ set /etc/sysctl.conf to set net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 # set up iptables $ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE Done! Read on...
CodeRush, ReSharper, Visual AssistX

Hmmmmm…CodeRush and ReSharper…It seems like these are the only 2 products people think about when they want that all super powerful addon that’s supposed to quadruple their productivity. I think people just look at the feature chart and say wow, ReSharper and CodeRush have hundreds of features!!! I’m going to be so much more productive now! I’ve tried both and there are features I like from both products. For example, ReSharper’s find references is extremely useful because you can filter by read-only or writeable. Read on...
I'm doing the VI challenge!

One of my time-wasting hobbies is running Linux on virtual machines. I play games from time to time so Windows is still my main OS. But otherwise, I do use my Linux virtual machines for many things like my personal Mercurial repository is running on VirtualBox. For the curious, my distro of choice is Archlinux. Anyone who’s needed to tinker with a Linux distro knows that you spend a lot of time in a text editor changing configuration files. Read on...